Earth Day 2019 - Commit to leaving this planet better than how you found it
The first Earth Day was over 45 years ago, in 1970. Sen. Gaylord Nelson, WI, proposed that April 22 be declared a day to educate the population about our earth. It would focus on the ways to preserve and defend the Earth and ways to protect its people from harmful waste. On April 20, 1970, Nelson, Denis Hayes, Pete McCloskey and a staff of 85, were able to rally over 20 million Americans across the country. Their goal was to come together to talk about the environmental issues the Earth was facing. 47 years later, people continue to participate in Earth Day. It's a day to and expand their knowledge on how to combat the driving forces that harm the planet.
Nelson wrote an article for the EPA journal looking back on the 10th anniversary of Earth Day. In his article he said, “It was on that day that Americans made it clear that they understood and were deeply concerned over the deterioration of our environment and the mindless dissipation of our resources.”
The Earth Day Network was founded to promote environmental citizenship and action year-round. It has been making huge strides in the Modern sustainability. In 2010, on the 40th anniversary of Earth Day, it launched a campaign to plant 1 billion trees. By 2012, they had achieved their goal.
Earth Day is an important cornerstone in the movement to promote sustainability and waste reduction. On April 22, we ask that you celebrate Earth Day in two ways:
Promote your understanding of the important environmental issues in order to raise awareness of the critical actions that need to take place in order to save our environment.
Go out and do something that enriches the environment or community - plant a tree, clean up a highway, or start a community garden.
After doing those two tasks, continue to stick with it all and strive to be efficient year-round. Here at Fuller Brush we can provide you tools to help.
Two of the biggest challenges that households face with staying efficient are: waste production and energy usage. Changing your light bulbs to compact fluorescents or turning down your A/C are obvious steps you can take to reduce your energy usage. However most households consume or waste far more than they realize. Ditch paper towels and go for reusable cloths, or invest in products that have a longer life-span and don’t require frequent replacement. These are just some of the ways to go green around the house.
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