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Vintage Products

A sweet letter...

Dear Folks,
Just wanted to tell you the most cherished possession to help me is my table crumber. Our Fuller Brush Crumber: My mother bought it from a traveling salesman in 1949 in Webster NY. It was my childhood job to use it after family dinners and celebrations and when my mother passed, I brought it home with warm memories of all the wonderful dishes my mother made. I now use it every day and it is as good as new. It is a fine product as are all my 1949 Fuller brushes.. hand brush, back brush. Couldn't locate the work bench brush. Just wanted you to know !..
Thank you.

A long lasting hairbrush

Your products are the best. I have a hairbrush that I bought that has lasted me over 50 years. my mother use to host parties in the 50's!

Stanley Comb from 1967

I just want to tell you that your products last forever. I bought a stanley comb back in 1967 and still using it. Now, while cleaning the woods behind my house that I have lived in since 1980, guess what I found under a tree stump.. Yep a Stanley nylon comb. It still has all its teeth. Believe me, I brought it in the house and cleaned it. Yep will keep it and have 2 Stanley combs. Thanks!!

The first comb is the one I bought in 1967 and still using. The other one is the one I found buried under a tree stump. Tried to clean it best I could.

Fuller Comb from childhood

My wife Aida (65) has a Fuller comb which she has owned since her parents bought it for her in Cuba when she was 7 or 8 years old. It still looks good and she uses it everyday. Thank you for making a great product.

Fuller Comb lasting a lifetime

As I combed my hair this morning I realized I have only had two Fuller Brush combs in my entire life. I am 77 years old! My mother only used Stanley and Fuller products. The Fuller Brush man came to our door in my early years and mother would place an order if needed. Thank you for making quality products. I will not need another comb in my lifetime. The one I use now is only missing two teeth and I have had it since the late 50's. This comb has survived 57 years of marriage, two children, extensive traveling in the US and overseas and many cleanings in ammonia water! What a blessing! I'm going to call my sister and see if she still has hers! Keep up the good work. I am so glad to be a satisfied Fuller Brush customer. Just wanted ya'll to know what a great product you make. Keep up the good work! I plan on leaving this to my oldest child so it will be in my will! It is definitely a keepsake that has shared many special memories in my life. Blessings to you all. Eleanor Perkins